Psihoonkologija kot del celostne obravnave bolnikov z rakom
Psycho-oncology as part of holistic treatment of cancer patients
coping with cancer, psychological distress, mental disorder, psycho-oncologyAbstract
Ko zdravstveni delavci stopamo v odnose z bolniki z rakom in njihovimi svojci v različnih obdobjih zdravljenja, se srečujemo tudi z njihovo stisko, ki jo opisujemo na kontinuumu – od pričakovane in prehodne stiske do stiske, ki je globoka, dolgotrajna ter ovira posameznikovo delovanje ter dosega kriterije duševne motnje. Z dobro komunikacijo, empatično podporo, obvladovanjem telesnih težav in informiranjem lahko pomembno podpremo bolnikove lastne vire moči za spoprijemanje z rakom. Prav tako je pomembna vloga prepoznavanja njihove stiske ter po potrebi uvedba zdravil in napotitev v ustrezno vrsto pomoči. Bolnik v hujši stiski ali z duševno motnjo lahko težje sodeluje v komunikaciji z zdravstvenim osebjem in se težje spoprijema s simptomi telesne bolezni in stranskimi učinki zdravljenja; njeno obvladovanje lahko posredno vpliva tudi na izhod zdravljenja maligne bolezni.
Abstract (Eng)
When healthcare professionals interact with cancer patients and their families at various stages of their treatment, we also encounter their distress, which is described on a continuum from expectable and transient distress to profound, long-lasting distress that impairs the individual's ability to function and fulfils the criteria for a mental disorder. Through good communication, empathetic support, coping with physical problems, and information, we can significantly support the patient's sources of strength in coping with cancer. It is also important to recognize the patient's level of distress and, if necessary, administer medication and refer them to appropriate support services. A patient who is experiencing severe distress or has a mental health disorder may find it more difficult to participate in communication with healthcare professionals and to cope with the symptoms of physical illness and the side effects of treatment, which may indirectly influence the outcome of treatment for a malignancy.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Andreja C. Škufca Smrdel , Jana Markovič, Jana Knific

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