Psihoonkološka obravnava bolnika z rakom
Psycho-oncology care in cancer patients


  • Andreja Cirila Škufca Smrdel Onkološki inštitut, Ljubljana
  • Mirjam Rojec Onkološki inštitut, Ljubljana


psychological distress, psycho-oncology, clinical-psychological treatment


Ob porastu števila onkoloških bolnikov, vse daljšem preživetju in vse večji ozaveščenosti o pomenu duševnega zdravja je psihoonkološka obravnava pomemben del celostne obravnave bolnikov z rakom. Oddelek za psihoonkologijo deluje na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana od leta 1984 in zagotavlja psihoonkološko obravnavo tako bolnikom kot tudi njihovim svojcem. Kognitivno vedenjska terapija in suportivna psihoterapija sta najpogostejši terapevtski modaliteti individualnega in skupinskega terapevtskega dela z bolniki z rakom. Pravočasno prepoznavanje duševnih stisk in dostopnost psihoonkološke obravnave pa še vedno ostajata izziv.

Abstract (Eng)

With the increase of cancer incidence, prolonged survival, and a rising awareness about the importance of mental wellbeing, psycho- -oncology care presents an important part of comprehensive cancer patient treatment. The Department of Psycho-Oncology at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana was established in 1984 to provide psycho-oncology care to patients and their relatives. Behavioural cognitive therapy and supportive therapy are the most common therapeutic modalities used in individual and group treatment of cancer patients. Nevertheless, timely recognition of psychological distress and the availability of psycho-oncology treatment remain a challenge.



How to Cite

Škufca Smrdel, A. C., & Rojec, M. (2018). Psycho-oncology care in cancer patients. Onkologija : Slovenian Journal of Oncology, 22(1), 48–50. Retrieved from



Review Article