Stranski učinki ob zdravljenju rakavih bolezni z zaviralci tirozinskih kinaz
Side effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in cancer treatment
targeted drugs, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, side effectsAbstract
Zaviralci tirozin-kinaz so multitarčna zdravila, ki prek zaviranja različnih celičnih procesov učinkujejo pri več vrstah rakavih boleznih. Čeprav so stranski učinki ob zaviralcih tirozinskih kinaz v splošnem prenosljivi, pa so lahko tudi resni in povzročajo nemalo preglavic bolnikom, ki prejemajo zdravila dolgotrajno. Pogosto je potrebno zmanjšanje odmerkov ali prehodna ukinitev, redkeje pa se odločimo za trajno prekinitev zdravljenja. Značilni so kožna toksičnost, kardiovaskularni zapleti, težave gastrointestinalnega trakta - predvsem diareja, nepravilno delovanje ščitnice in utrujenost ob zdravljenju rakave bolezni.
Abstract (Eng)
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are multicentric drugs that inhibit different cellular processes and are effective in the treatment of many types of cancer. Although the side effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors are generally tolerable, they may also be serious and cause numerous problems in patients receiving long-term medication. Dosage reductions or transient withdrawal are often required, but only rarely is the treatment permanently discontinued. Typical complications include skin toxicity, cardiovascular complications, problems in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular diarrhoea, thyroid malfunction, and treatment-specific fatigue.
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