Smernice za zdravljenje bolnikov z rakom požiralnika in ezofagogastričnega stika (EGS)
Guidelines for treating patients with cancer of the esophagus and esophagogastric juncture (EGS)
oesophageal cancer, cancer of esophagogastric contact, treatment, guidelinesAbstract
Rak požiralnika je razmeroma redek tumor z veliko umrljivostjo. Pogosteje zbolijo moški v 6. ali 7. desetletju življenja. V zadnjih letih v zahodnem svetu opažamo stalen porast incidence adenokarcinoma distalnega požiralnika in ezofagogastričnega stika (EGS). Vzrok je najverjetneje posledica spremenjenega načina življenja s povišano incidenco debelosti in gastroezofagealne refluksne bolezni. Nova, 7. Revizija TNM klasifikacije, uvršča rak požiralnika in EGS skupaj pod rak požiralnika. Pri izbrani skupini bolnikov je bolezen ozdravljiva, vendar je zdravljenje dolgotrajno, praviloma kombinirano in z visoko morbiditeto, ki lahko precej zmanjša kakovost bolnikovega življenja. Zaradi specifične anatomije rak požiralnika in EGS zgodaj zaseva in je zato v primerjavi z ostalimi malignomi prebavil prognostično slabši.
Abstract (Eng)
Oesophageal cancer is a relatively rate tumor with high mortality. It is most frequent in men in their sixties or seventies. In the past years, a constant increase in the incidence of adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus and esophagogastric juncture (EGS) has been observed in the West. This can probably be attributed changing lifestyle with increases obesity incidence and gastroesophageal reflux disease. The latest, 7th review of the TNM Classification classifies both – cancer of the esophagus and cancer of the esophagogastric juncture – as oesophageal cancer. In a select group of patients this disease is curable, however the treatment is long, usually combined and with high morbidity that can significantly impact the patient’s quality of life. Due to the specific anatomy, cancer of the esophagus and cancer of the esophagogastric juncture develop metastasis early, and the prognosis is worse compared to other gastrointestinal cancers.
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