Citiranje strokovne literature v medicini
Citing medical literature

Vancouver reference style


  • David Ožura Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana



bibliographic references and citations, medical journals, Vancouver reference style, citation management tools, tables and figures


Strokovno besedilo, ki temelji na znanstvenoraziskovalnem delu, se od drugih besedil loči z doslednim sklicevanjem na ustrezne vire. V pričujočem prispevku si bomo podrobneje ogledali vancouvrski način citiranja, saj se ta slog sklicevanja najpogosteje uporablja v medicini in zdravstvenih vedah. Predstavljeni so najpogostejši primeri navajanja osnovnih bibliografskih podatkov prispevkov v strokovnih revijah, posamičnih prispevkov v zbornikih, navajanja monografij ter informacijskih virov na internetu. Podani so osnovni napotki za označevanje, reproduciranje in citiranje tabel in slik s primeri. Na kratko so predstavljena tudi sodobna orodja za urejanje referenc in citiranja z njihovimi funkcionalnostmi.

Abstract (Eng)

A scientific text based on research is distinguished from other texts in that it consistently references the relevant sources. In this article, we take a closer look at the Vancouver reference style, as it is the one most commonly used in medicine and the health sciences. Presented are the most common examples of citing basic bibliographic information for papers in peer-reviewed journals, proceedings papers, monographs and information sources on the internet. Included are also basic guidelines for labelling, reproducing and citing tables and figures, along with examples. Modern tools for reference and citation editing are also briefly introduced as well as their functionalities.



How to Cite

Ožura, D. (2024). Citing medical literature: Vancouver reference style. Onkologija : Slovenian Journal of Oncology, 28(1), 54–61.



Review Article