Elektronske cigarete, ogrevani tobačni izdelki, nikotinske vrečke in brezdimni tobačni izdelki
Electronic cigarettes, heated tobacco products, nicotine pouches and smokeless tobacco products
what does research say about these tobacco or nicotine products?
tobacco, nicotine, electronic nicotine delivery systems, tobacco products, adolescentAbstract
V Sloveniji je kajenje tobaka še vedno med najpomembnejšimi preprečljivimi dejavniki tveganja za smrt in na prvem mestu za izgubljena zdrava leta življenja. V Sloveniji in številnih razvitih državah beležimo zniževanje prevalence kajenja. Industrija je za ohranitev oziroma večanje prodaje in dobička dala na trg različne vrste izdelkov s tobakom ali nikotinom, kot so elektronske cigarete, ogrevani tobačni izdelki in nikotinske vrečke, ki so prisotni tudi v Sloveniji. Vse bolj priljubljeni v Sloveniji postajajo tudi brezdimni tobačni izdelki. V bibliografski podatkovni zbirki PubMed smo poiskali sistematične preglede in metaanalize o vplivih na zdravje pri uporabi teh izdelkov, poiskali poročila mednarodnih organizacij o njihovem vplivu na zdravje in okolje ter uporabili najnovejše dostopne podatke iz slovenskih nacionalnih raziskav za prikaz razširjenosti njihove uporabe v Sloveniji. Ogrevani tobačni izdelki, elektronske cigarete in nikotinske vrečke izpostavijo uporabnika znatnim ravnem zdravju škodljivih snovi. Dolgoročni učinki njihove uporabe na zdravje še niso ustrezno raziskani, saj so v uporabi še prekratek čas, dostopni podatki pa kažejo, da imajo škodljive učinke na zdravje, nekateri že kratkoročno, in da bodo verjetno privedli do pomembnih posledic za zdravje pri dolgoročni uporabi. O manjši škodljivosti teh izdelkov v primerjavi s kajenjem cigaret ni možno govoriti, saj je na voljo premalo kakovostnih raziskav, poznani pa so škodljivi učinki dolgoročne uporabe brezdimnih tobačnih izdelkov. Vsi omenjeni izdelki se pogosto promovirajo tudi kot učinkoviti pripomočki za opuščanje kajenja, a tudi na tem področju ni na voljo zadosti kakovostnih raziskav, da bi lahko sklepali zaključke o njihovi vlogi v opuščanju kajenja, zato se jih v te namene ne priporoča. Vsi omenjeni izdelki vsebujejo nikotin (izjema so elektronske cigarete brez nikotina) in uporabnika zasvojijo. Uporaba izdelkov z nikotinom med mladimi pa je povezana še z dodatnimi pomembnimi tveganji; poleg zasvojenosti, ki se razvije hitreje in močneje kot pri odraslih, so tu še škodljivi učinki na razvoj možganov, pri elektronskih cigaretah in brezdimnih tobačnih izdelkih pa tudi zvišano tveganje za kajenje cigaret v prihodnosti. Podatki za Slovenijo kažejo, da uporaba teh izdelkov med mladimi narašča s starostjo ter da med mladimi odstotki uporabnikov večinoma presegajo odstotek med populacijo, starejšo od 25 let. V zadnjih letih odstotki uporabnikov elektronskih cigaret in brezdimnih tobačnih izdelkov med mladostniki naraščajo izraziteje kot med odraslimi. Ključna je čimprejšnja strožja zakonodajna ureditev teh izdelkov, da preprečimo in zmanjšamo njihovo uporabo, predvsem med mladimi.
Abstract (Eng)
In Slovenia, tobacco smoking remains one of the most important preventable risk factors for death and healthy years of life lost. Slovenia and numerous developed countries are experiencing a decline in smoking prevalence. In order to maintain or increase sales and profits, the industry is launched various types of tobacco or nicotine products, such as electronic cigarettes, heated tobacco products and nicotine pouches, which are also present in Slovenia. Smokeless tobacco products are also becoming increasingly popular in Slovenia. Heated tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and nicotine pouches expose the user to significant levels of harmful substances. The long-term effects of their use on health have not yet been adequately studied, as they are in use for too short a time. However, the available data indicate that they have adverse effects on health, some already in the short term, and that they are likely to lead to significant health consequences in the long term. It cannot be claimed that these products are less harmful than smoking, as there is a lack of good quality studies. The harmful effects of long-term use of smokeless tobacco products are known. All of these products are also often promoted as effective smoking cessation aids, but again there is not enough good quality research to draw conclusions about their role in smoking cessation, so they are not recommended for this purpose. All of these products contain nicotine (the exception being nicotine-free electronic cigarettes) and are addictive to the user. The use of nicotine products by youth is associated with additional important risks, such as addiction, which develops more rapidly and more strongly than in adults, and adverse effects on brain development. The use of electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products among youth is also associated with increased risk of cigarette smoking in the future. Data for Slovenia show that the use of these products among youth increases with age and that the percentages of users among youth mostly exceed that of the population aged 25 and over. In recent years, the percentages of users of electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products have been increasing more markedly among adolescents than adults. It is crucial to regulate these products more strictly as soon as possible to prevent and reduce their use, especially among youth.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Helena Koprivnikar, Jerneja Farkaš Lainščak

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