Priporočila za obravnavo bolnikov s pljučnim rakom
Recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of patients with lung cancer
lung cancer, diagnosis, treatment, patients, recommendations, guidelinesAbstract
Leta 2019 so bila objavljena Priporočila za obravnavo bolnikov s pljučnim rakom, ki so v slovenski prostor vnesla prepotrebno poenotenje diagnostike in zdravljenja z namenom izboljšanja preživetja bolnikov s pljučnim rakom. Posodobitev Priporočil tri leta po izidu izvirnika prinaša največ novosti v poglavju o sistemskem zdravljenju bolnikov s pljučnim rakom. To kaže na izjemen napredek na področju razumevanja onkogeneze in biologije pljučnega raka ter s tem razvoja novih zdravil. Breme pljučnega raka ostaja veliko, saj je pljučni rak pri nas in v svetu še vedno najpogostejši vzrok smrti zaradi raka. Za vsako peto smrt zaradi raka je odgovoren pljučni rak. Skoraj tretjina bolnikov s pljučnim rakom ne prejme specifičnega onkološkega zdravljenja, bodisi zaradi slabega stanja zmogljivosti, spremljajočih bolezni ali obsega bolezni. Polovica bolnikov ima ob diagnozi razsejano bolezen, zaradi česar izboljšanje preživetja z malimi koraki sledi napredku v zdravljenju bolnikov s pljučnim rakom. Ti podatki nas opominjajo, da se bomo morali za velike premike v obravnavi bolnikov s pljučnim rakom lotiti drugačnih pristopov. Kot najbolj obetavno se ponuja zgodnje odkrivanje bolezni, ko so možnosti ozdravitve pljučnega raka najboljše. Zapisana Priporočila so usmeritev za obravnavo bolnikov s pljučnim rakom. Le s sodobnim multidisciplinarnim pristopom obravnave lahko bolniku ponudimo zdravljenje, ki mu omogoča najboljši izhod prognostično neugodne bolezni.
Abstract (Eng)
In 2019, the Recommendations for the management of patients with lung cancer were published bringing much-needed standardisation of diagnosis and treatment to improve survival of patients with lung cancer. Three years after the original Recommendations were published, the update of the Recommendations brings the most innovations in the chapter on systemic treatment of patients with lung cancer. This reflects the remarkable progress made in the field of understanding the oncogenesis and biology of lung cancer and thus the development of new drugs. The burden of lung cancer remains high, as lung cancer is still the most common cause of cancer related death in our country and worldwide. Lung cancer is responsible for one of five cancer-related deaths. Almost one third of patients with lung cancer do not receive any oncological treatment, either because of poor performance status, comorbidities or the extent of the disease. Half of the patients have metastatic disease at diagnosis, resulting in only small improvements in survival despite advances in the treatment of lung cancer patients. These data remind us that if we are to make major shifts in the management of lung cancer patients, we will need to take different approaches. The most promising seems to be the detection of early stages of lung cancer which offers the best treatment results. The Recommendations written here are guidelines for the management of patients with lung cancer. Only with comprehensive multidisciplinary treatment approach, the best outcome from the prognostically unfavourable disease can be offered.
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