Priporočila za zobozdravstveno obravnavo odraslih bolnikov z rakom glave in vratu v Sloveniji, zdravljenih z obsevanjem
Recommendations for the dental management of adult patients with head and neck cancer in Slovenia treated with radiation therapy
head and neck cancer, radiation therapy, dental management, adult patients, recommendations, guidelines, SloveniaAbstract
Priporočila za zobozdravstveno obravnavo bolnikov z rakom glave in vratu (RGV) v Sloveniji, zdravljenih z obsevanjem sledijo priporočilom The Royal College of Surgeons of England v sodelovanju z The British Society for Disability and Oral Health, dopolnjujejo Priporočila za obravnavo bolnikov z rakom glave in vratu v Sloveniji in hkrati upoštevajo obstoječe zmožnosti slovenskega zdravstvenega sistema. Namen priporočil je prepre-čevanje oz. zmanjšanje zapletov v ustni votlini, ki nastanejo zaradi obsevanja. Opredeljujejo način zobozdravstvene oskrbe pred, med in po zdravljenju raka na vseh treh nivojih zobozdra-vstvene oskrbe, kar zagotavlja njeno pravočasnost in dostopnost. Priporočila predstavljajo poenoteno mnenje vseh deležnikov na področju zobozdravstvene obravnave bolnikov z RGV v državi.
Abstract (Eng)
Recommendations for the dental treatment of patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) in Slovenia treated with radiation follow the recommendations and guidelines of the Royal College of Surgeons of England created in association with the British Society for Disability and Oral Health, the Recommendations for the treatment of patients with head and neck cancer in Slovenia and at the same time consider the existing capabilities of the Slovenian health care system. The recommendations aim to prevent or reduce complications in the oral cavity due to radiation therapy. They define the dental care before, during and after radiation therapy at all three levels of dental care, which ensures the timeliness and accessibility of dental care. The recommendations represent a unified opinion of all stakeholders in the field of dental treatment of HNC patients in the country.
How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2022 Aleš Fidler, Aleksander Aničin, Vojko Didanović, Tadej Dovšak, Boris Gašpirc, Aleš Grošelj, Andrej Kansky, Matic Koren, Jana Krapež, Hojka Kuralt, Marko Kuralt, Boštjan Lanišnik, Romana Mance Kristan, Jošt Pavčič, Luka Prodnik, Peter Pukl, Tadej Ostrc, Milan Kuhar, Eva Skalerič, Robert Šifrer, Valerija Skopec, Primož Strojan
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