Imunoterapija pri ploščatoceličnem karcinomu glave in vratu
Immunotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
experience from Slovenia
head and neck cancer, immunotherapy, nivolumab, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, squamous cell carcinoma, immune checkpoints inhibitorAbstract
Izhodišča: Imunoterapija z zaviralcem imunskih kontrolnih točk nivolumabom, zaviralnim protitelesom proti proteinu programirane celične smrti 1 (PD-1), predstavlja za bolnike z neozdravljivo ponovitvijo bolezni ali s sistemskimi zasevki ploščatoceličnega karcinoma glave in vratu (P/Z PKGV), pri katerih je bolezen neobčutljiva na preparate platine, pomembno novo možnost zdravljenja. V primerjavi s citostatiki pomembno podaljša njihovo preživetje.
Metode: Retrospektivna analiza zdravljenja z nivolumabom pri slovenskih bolnikih s P/Z PKGV, ki so prejeli prvi odmerek nivolumaba do marca 2020. Zbiranje podatkov je bilo zaključeno v septembru 2020. Uporabljene so bile opisne statistične metode in log-rank test.
Rezultati: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 27 bolnikov. Srednji čas sledenja od prve aplikacije nivolumaba do konca opazovanja je bil 7,4 meseca, relativno šestmesečno celokupno preživetje pa 59% (95% interval zaupanja 41–78%). Odgovor na zdravljenje je bil pri 85% bolnikov ocenjen s kliničnim pregledom in rentgenskim slikanjem prsnega koša, pri čemer je bil pri 41% kot najboljši odgovor ugotovljen delen odgovor na zdravljenje. Imunsko pogojeni neželeni dogodki so se pojavili pri 30% bolnikov, pri čemer so bili vsi gradusa ≤2. En bolnik je bil sočasno z nivolumabom tudi obsevan.
Zaključek: Glede na zbrane podatke se je tudi v slovenski populaciji bolnikov s P/Z PKGV zdravljenje z nivolumabom izkazalo za varno. Zaradi kratkega časa sledenja ugotovljene učinkovitosti ni mogoče primerjati z rezultati tujih raziskav. S pričakovano odobritvijo pembrolizumaba bodo zaviralci imunskih kontrolnih točk tudi v Sloveniji dobili mesto v prvem redu zdravljenja P/Z PKGV.
Abstract (Eng)
Background: Immunotherapy with immune checkpoints inhibitor nivolumab – inhibitory antibody against programmed death receptor-1 (anti-PD-1) – represents an important new treatment option for patients with incurable recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (R/M HNSCC) unresponsive to platinum-based chemotherapy. It significantly prolongs survival compared to standard chemotherapy.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of treatment with nivolumab in patients with R/M HNSCC in Slovenia who received their first dose of nivolumab until March 2020 was performed. Data collection was completed in September 2020. Descriptive statistics and log-rank test were used.
Results: Twenty-seven patients entered the study. Median time of follow-up from the first nivolumab application onward was 7.4 months, and relative 6-month overall survival was 59% (95% confidence interval 41–78%). In 85% of patients, the response to treatment was evaluated using clinical examination and chest x-ray only. In 41% of patients the partial response to treatment was declared as the best response achieved. Thirty percent of patients experienced immune related adverse events of which all were grade ≤2. In one patient radiotherapy was delivered concurrently with nivolumab.
Conclusion: According to the presented results, treatment with nivolumab has also been shown to be safe in Slovenian patients with R/M HNSCC. Due to the short follow-up time, the observed efficacy cannot be compared with the results of foreign studies. With the expected approval of pembrolizumab, the immune checkpoint inhibitors will also be given a place in the first line treatment of R/M HNSCC in Slovenia.
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