Učinkovitost kanabinoidov pri zdravljenju raka – mit ali resnica?
Therapeutic efficacy of cannabinoids in cancer treatment – myth or fact?
cannabis derivatives, cannabinoids, cancer treatment, therapeutic indicationsAbstract
Uporaba derivatov konoplje (kanabinoidov) je v onkologiji občasno indicirana pri simptomatski terapiji slabosti in bruhanja, bolečini ter nevropsiholoških motnjah. V zadnjih letih je opaziti tudi čedalje pogostejše zastavljanje vprašanj v povezavi z morebitnimi zdravilnimi učinki konoplje pri zdravljenju malignih neoplazem. Po naših izkušnjah mnogo bolnikov uživa eno izmed oblik kanabinoidov, tudi z namenom protitumorskega delovanja. Kljub številnim prepričljivim podatkom o protitumorskem učinku kanabinoidov v laboratorijskih poskusih na celičnih kulturah in živalskih modelih pa ta v kliničnih študijah doslej (še) ni bil potrjen. V tem prispevku povzemamo glavna dejstva, ki so trenutno na voljo, glede upravičenosti uporabe kanabinoidov z namenom onkološkega delovanja.
Abstract (Eng)
The use of cannabis derivatives (cannabinoids) in oncology is sometimes indicated in the symptomatic treatment of nausea and vomiting, in pain management and in some neuropsychiatric disorders. In the recent years, there has been a growing interest in determining the anticancer effects of cannabinoids. Based on our clinical experience, we know that many patients use cannabinoids, among them also those with the aim of curing their disease. But despite the extensive and convincing data on the anticancer properties of cannabinoids from in vitro studies on cell cultures and studies on animal models, these properties have not (yet) been confirmed in a clinical trial. This paper summarises the currently available data on the potential of cannabinoid use in the clinical practice of oncology.
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