Priporočila za uporabo dejavnikov rasti granulocitne vrste pri bolnikih z rakom na sistemskem zdravljenju
Recommendations for the use of granulocyte colony stimulating factors (G-CSFS) in systemic treatment of cancer


  • Simona Borštnar Onkološki inštitut, Ljubljana
  • Tanja Južnič Šetina Onkološki inštitut, Ljubljana


recommendations, granulocyte colony stimulating factors, G-CSFS, systemic treatment, cancer


Dejavniki rasti granulocitne vrste (G-CSF) so z rekombinantno DNK-tehnologijo pridobljeni naravni glikoproteini, ki spodbudijo dozorevanje belih krvničk. S preventivno uporabo G-CSF lahko preprečimo febrilno nevtropenijo (FN), ki je resen, življenje ogrožajoč neželeni učinek zdravljenja s citostatiki. Priporočamo jih, kadar je verjetnost febrilne nevtropenije 20-odstotna ali večja ali pa je tveganje za FN večje zaradi starosti in spremljajoče bolezni. G-CSF naj se ne uporabljajo rutinsko, če je febrilna nevtropenija že nastala. Njihovo mesto je še pri mobilizaciji krvotvornih perifernih matičnih celic, pri spodbudi rasti nevtrofilcev po alogeni ali avtologni presaditvi kostnega mozga in pri mielodisplastičnem sindromu (MDS).

Abstract (Eng)

Granulocyte colony stimulating factors (G-CSFs) are natural glycoproteins produced by recombinant DNA technology, which stimulate the production of white blood cells. The use of G-CSFs could prevent febrile neutropenia (FN) which is a relatively frequent event in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and is a potentially life-threatening situation. Primary G-CSF support is recommended in the patients with the overall FN risk ≥ 20% and in those who are at high risk for FN associated with age, medical history and disease characteristics. G-CSFs should not be routinely used in afebrile or febrile neutropenic patients. G-CSFs have a number of other indications, such as mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells, acceleration of neutrophil count recovery after allogeneic or autologous transplantation and in MDS.



How to Cite

Borštnar, S., & Južnič Šetina, T. (2009). Recommendations for the use of granulocyte colony stimulating factors (G-CSFS) in systemic treatment of cancer. Onkologija : Slovenian Journal of Oncology, 13(1), 16–18. Retrieved from


