Razporeditev genotipov človeških virusov papiloma pri bolnicah z rakom materničnega vratu in cervikalno intraepitelijsko neoplazijo tretje stopnje (CIN 3) v Sloveniji
Distribution of human papillomavirus genotypes in women with cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade three (CIN 3) in Slovenia
papilloma virus, cervical cancer, SloveniaAbstract
Rak materničnega vratu (RMV) se razvije prek več stopenj predrakavih sprememb in ga je z učinkovitim presejalnim programom mogoče preprečiti oz. odkriti in v zgodnjem stadiju uspešno zdraviti. Spolno prenosljiva okužba z visokotveganimi genotipi človeških virusov papiloma (angl. human papillomavirus, HPV) je nujni dejavnik tveganja za nastanek predrakavih sprememb na materničnem vratu in RMV. Pred uvedbo cepljenja proti HPV smo želeli opredeliti razporeditev genotipov HPV pri bolnicah z RMV in bolnicah s predrakavimi spremembami najvišje stopnje (CIN 3) v Sloveniji. Razporeditev genotipov HPV smo analizirali na 284 vzorcih RMV. HPV dezoksiribonukleinsko kislino (DNK) smo dokazali v 262 od 278 vzorcev RMV (94,2 %). Ugotovili smo, da RMV najpogosteje povzročajo HPV 16, HPV 18 in HPV 33. Razporeditev genotipov HPV smo določili tudi na 261 vzorcih brisov materničnega vratu, odvzetih ženskam s CIN 3. V 253 od 261 vzorcev CIN 3 (96,9 %) smo dokazali prisotnost HPV DNK. V 80,6 % vzorcev smo našli le en visokotvegani genotip, v drugih vzorcih smo našli po več genotipov HPV (2 do 9 genotipov). Pri ženskah s CIN 3 so bili najpogosteje zastopani HPV 16, HPV 31 in HPV 33. Profilaktično cepljenje s trenutno dostopnimi cepivi proti HPV bi lahko preprečilo do 77 % primerov RMV in do 60 % primerov CIN 3 v Sloveniji, ki ju povzročata HPV 16 in HPV 18.
Abstract (Eng)
Cervical cancer (CC) evolves through several stages of precancerous lesions and can therefore be prevented by means of a screening program; if detected at an early stage it can also be efficiently treated. Sexually transmitted infection with oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes has been confirmed to be a single necessary etiological factor for the development of cervical precancerous lesions and CC. In order to assess the potential local benefit of prophylactic HPV vaccination, we established the distribution of HPV genotypes in a representative sample of women with CC and high grade cervical intraepithelial lesions (CIN 3) in Slovenia. HPV DNA was found in 262/278 CC samples (94.2%). HPV 16, HPV 18 and HPV 33 were the HPV genotypes most frequently found in CC samples in Slovenia. HPV DNA was found in 253/261 samples of CIN 3 (96.9%). In 80.6% of the samples infection with a single HPV genotype was found, whereas in other samples more than one HPV genotype was found (2 to 9 HPV genotypes). Prophylactic HPV vaccination with currently available vaccines could theoretically prevent up to 77% of cases of CC and up to 60% of cases of CIN 3 caused by HPV 16 and HPV 18 in Slovenia.
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