Addisonska kriza pri bolnici z neprepoznavnim panhipopituitarizmom po obsevanju atipičnega meningeoma
Addison’s disease in patients with an unidentified panhypopituitary condition following observed atypical meningeoma (primary description)
irradiation, irradiation of the head, brain tumorsAbstract
Obsevanje je utečen in uspešen način zdravljenja možganskih tumorjev, vendar moramo vedeti, da ima poleg akutnih neželenih učinkov lahko tudi pozne posledice, ki se pokažejo šele leta po končanem zdravljenju. Med največkrat na ta način okvarjenimi organi so endokrine žleze, predvsem hipotalamus in hipofiza. Na podlagi kliničnega primera želimo pokazati, da bolniki po obsevanju glave nujno potrebujejo tudi redno endokrinološko testiranje in po potrebi ustrezno hormonsko nadomestno zdravljenje.
Abstract (Eng)
Radiotherapy is a proven and successful way of treating brain tumors. One should be aware, however, of its acute side effects as well as late consequences, often only apparent years after concluded treatment. The endocrine glands, primarily the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, are the most commonly affected organs. We present a clinical case to illustrate that, after irradiation of the head, patients should have periodic endocrinological testing and adequate hormonal substitution, when necessary.
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