Informatizacija zdravljenja bolnikov s protitumorskimi zdravili
The informatization of patient treatment with antitumor drugs
IT, treatment, anti-tumor drugsAbstract
Za kakovostno zdravljenje je nujna dobra informacijska podpora, ki omogoča nadzor nad zdravljenjem bolnikov in olajša delo zdravstvenim delavcem. Na Onkološkem inštitutu v Ljubljani smo uporabo zdravil nadgradili z računalniškim programom Cypro, ki omogoča celovit pristop k zdravljenju s protitumorskimi zdravili in pripravi teh zdravil. Program povezuje več vidikov zdravljenja in priprave zdravil ter interdisciplinarni ekipi zdravstvenih delavcev omogoča optimizacijo kakovosti, varnosti in ekonomičnosti zdravljenja s temi zdravili.
Abstract (Eng)
Effective IT support is a requirement for the quality treatment of patients by allowing control over the management of their treatment and by facilitating the work of the medical professionals. At the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana utilisation of drugs is supported by a computer program that enables a holistic approach to treatment with anticancer drugs as well as the preparation of these medicines. The program combines various aspects of such treatment and the preparation of medicines, and it enables an interdisciplinary team of health professionals to optimize the quality, safety and economy of treatment with antitumor drugs.
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