Preprečevanje, prepoznavanje in zdravljenje ekstravazacije citostatikov
Prevention, detection and treatment of extravasation of cytotoxic agents


  • Marjana Bernot Onkološki inštitut, Ljubljana
  • Marijana Fortuna Lužar Onkološki inštitut, Ljubljana
  • Simona Borštnar Onkološki inštitut, Ljubljana


cytostatics, extravasation


Ekstravazacija citostatikov je redek, vendar zelo neprijeten zaplet sistemskega zdravljenja raka. Ker lahko pripelje do hudih takojšnjih in poznih posledic za bolnika, zahteva posebno pozornost zdravstvenih delavcev, ki izvajajo intravenozno zdravljenje. V članku so zbrana priporočila za preprečevanje in prepoznavanje ekstravazacije, algoritem ukrepov ob njenem nastanku in možnosti uporabe antidotov.

Abstract (Eng)

Extravasation is a rare but very unpleasant complication of systemic cancer treatment and could be the cause of severe early and delayed consequences for the patient. Extravasation warrants special attention from the healthcare professionals involved in administering intravenous medications. The article summarizes and explains the most recent recommendations on extravasation in the clinical setting - from prevention and recognition to possible treatments with antidotes.



How to Cite

Bernot, M., Fortuna Lužar, M., & Borštnar, S. (2011). Prevention, detection and treatment of extravasation of cytotoxic agents. Onkologija : Slovenian Journal of Oncology, 15(1), 47–51. Retrieved from



Review Article