Bolnik z rakom v procesu vračanja na delo
Cancer patient in the process of returning back to work
cancer patient, rehabilitation, return to work, medical asessorAbstract
Zgodnja diagnostika, nove terapevtske možnosti in uspešnejše zdravljenje raka so pripomogli tudi k temu, da se lahko večji delež bolnikov po zdravljenju raka vsaj deloma, če ne v celoti, vrne na delo. Za izvajalce zdravstvene oskrbe pomeni vrnitev na delo uspešen zaključek rehabilitacije, za bolnike in njihove bližnje pa boljšo kakovost življenja. Avtorica članka na primeru začasne nezmožnosti za delo bolnice z rakom dojke predstavlja vračanje na delo po procesu zdravljenja in rehabilitacije. V zaključku razmišlja o tem, kaj je pomembno za terapevta in bolnika po zdravljenju raka.
Abstract (Eng)
Early diagnostics, new terapeutic methods and more successful treatment of cancer patients also enabeled them to return to work at least partly if not completly. For healthcare providers return to work means successful rehabilitation and for the patient and his close once better quality of live. The author of the article is representing a case of a breast cancer pacient who is on sick leave and is returning to work after the process of treatment and rehabilitaion. In the conclusions, she is thinking about what is important for the therapist and for the pacient after the cancer treatment.
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