Sistemsko zdravljenje napredovalega diferenciranega raka ščitnice
Systemic treatment of advanced differentiated thyroid cancer


  • Cvetka Grašič-Kuhar Onkološki inštitut, Ljubljana


thyroid cancer, advanced cancer, treatment, survival


Diferencirani rak ščitnice predstavlja preko 90 odstotkov raka ščitnice. Nastane iz folikularnih celic ščitnice in spada med visoko ozdravljive rake. Primarno zdravljenje je kirurško, visoko rizični za ponovitev prejmejo še adjuvantno radiojodno terapijo in tiroksin v supresijskem odmerku. Pri 7-23% bolnikov pride do pojava zasevkov v oddaljenih organih (pljuča, skelet). Temelj zdravljenja metastatskega diferenciranega raka ščitnice je radiojodna terapija. Pri pojavu rezistence na radiojodno terapijo je ob napredovanju bolezni sedaj na voljo zdravljenje s tarčnim zdravilom sorafenibom.

Abstract (Eng)

Differentiated thyroid cancer represents over 90 percents of thyroid cancers. It arises from thyroid follicular cells and is one of highly treatable cancers. Primary treatment is surgical and patients at high risk of carcinoma recurrence also receive adjuvant radioiodine therapy and a suppressive dose of thyroxin. In 7–23% of patients metastases appear in remote organs (lungs, skeleton). The basic treatment for metastatic differentiated thyroid cancer is radioiodine therapy. In case of resistance to radioiodine therapy during disease progression, treatment is now also possible with target medication sorafenib.



How to Cite

Grašič-Kuhar, C. (2014). Systemic treatment of advanced differentiated thyroid cancer. Onkologija : Slovenian Journal of Oncology, 18(2), 89–91. Retrieved from



Review Article