Depresija – stres, maligna bolezen in zdravljenje
Depression – stress, cancer, and therapy


  • Dragan Terzič Univerzitetna psihiatrična klinika Ljubljana


depression, stress and depression, diagnosis of depression, antidepressants, mode of action of antidepressants, depression and cancer


V pričujočem članku je prikazan pomen depresije s poudarkom na genetskih in stresnih dejavnikih, ki vplivajo na njen izbruh. Težje kronične telesne bolezni, kot so maligne, so dolgotrajni stresni dejavniki, ki pomembno prispevajo k razvoju depresije. Najučinkovitejši način zdravljenja velike depresije so zdravila iz skupine antidepresivov, ki se razlikujejo po načinu učinkovanja in jih izbiramo glede na vodilno simptomatiko depresije. Zato je pomembno, kateri antidepresiv izbrati glede na klinično sliko depresije, ker to vpliva na uspeh pri njenem zdravljenju. Na takšen način se pomembno vpliva na prognozo, ne samo depresije, temveč tudi prisotnih telesnih bolezni, kot so maligne bolezni.

Abstract (Eng)

This article shows the significance of depression with the emphasis on genetic and stress factors that influence its outburst. Severe chronic physical diseases like cancer are long-term stress factors that significantly contribute to the development of depression. Major depression is most efficiently treated with medications from the group of antidepressants that differ in the effect and are chosen based on the leading symptoms of depression. So, it is important that the antidepressant is chosen in respect of the clinical presentation of depression, as it influences the success of treatment. This significantly affects not only the prognosis of depression itself, but also the prognosis of the already present physical diseases such as cancer.



How to Cite

Terzič, D. (2018). Depression – stress, cancer, and therapy. Onkologija : Slovenian Journal of Oncology, 22(1), 42–46. Retrieved from



Review Article